Paper Star Pyramids
Pentagrammic Pyramid (low):
Number of faces: 6
Number of edges: 10
Number of vertices: 6
Pentagrammic Pyramid (high):
Number of faces: 6
Number of edges: 10
Number of vertices: 6
Hexagrammic Pyramid (low):
Number of faces: 7
Number of edges: 12
Number of vertices: 7
Tetragonal Star:
Number of faces: 9
Number of edges: 16
Number of vertices: 9
Pentagonal Star Pyramid:
Number of faces: 11
Number of edges: 20
Number of vertices: 11
Pentagonal Star Pyramid (irragular):
Number of faces: 11
Number of edges: 20
Number of vertices: 11
Standing Pentagrammic Pyramid:
Number of faces: 11
Number of edges: 19
Number of vertices: 10
Hexagonal Star Pyramid:
Number of faces: 13
Number of edges: 24
Number of vertices: 13
Octagonal Star Pyramid:
Number of faces: 17
Number of edges: 32
Number of vertices: 17
Definition of a Pyramid: A pyramid is a polyhedron with one face (known as the "base") a polygon and all the other faces triangles meeting at a common polygon vertex (known as the "apex"). A right pyramid is a pyramid for which the line joining the centroid of the base and the apex is perpendicular to the base. A regular pyramid is a right pyramid whose base is a regular polygon. An n-gonal regular pyramid (denoted Yn) having equilateral triangles as sides is possible only for n=3, 4, 5. These correspond to the tetrahedron, square pyramid, and pentagonal pyramid, respectively.
Instructions for illuminated standing pentagrammic pyramid with alluminium foil inside:(the foil reflects the light to the front of the model) 1. Cut the model out and fold
2. Unfold 3. Glue a large sheet of aluminium foil on the the model.
4. Cut the aluminium foil close to the model and fold around the paper
5. Fold again
6. Glue the parts 2,3,4 and 5
7. Cut, fold and glue the parts 6 and 7. (No alluminium foil on these parts)
8. Glue part 8 on the back of the model.
9. Put a LED light in the back of the model
10. The illuminated standing pentagrammic pyramid