> Construction advises for paper models of polyhedra.
For mobile devices

Construction advises for paper models of polyhedra.

- Print the models normal or heavy paper. 80 to 120 gram/m2.

- Cut the outer lines with a sharp hobby knife.
Also cut the tabs that are connected to a second face:
cut the tabs

- Use for scoring the other lines a dull knife, the back of the hobby knife or use a knife with very little pressure.

- Fold the dotted lines forward (valley fold)
- Fold the other lines backwards (mountain fold)


Dotted line:

Fold backwards
(Mountain fold):

Fold dotted lines forward
(valley fold):

mountain fold valley fold

- The best order of construction is to glue the faces without tabs last.

- Spread a thin layer of glue on the tabs. A wooden toothpick can be very useful for spreading the glue

- When closing the polyhedron it can be helpful to use the toothpick or a needle to give pressure from inside the polyhedron.

- For the most complex models it's advisable to make a copy on larger paper (A3 size paper)

- If you like to make a drawing on the polyhedron or color it. You can better cut and fold it before. After folding it unfolds it and folds it again when finished with your drawing.

PDF files

- The PDF versions are of high quality. Download the Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF files (free). Prints of the PDF version have sharper lines so you can cut more accurately.

- Downloading the PDF version can take some time. It may seems nothing happens. Acrobat Reader starts up and the PDF file is downloaded.

- To save the PDF-files on your computer use the right mouse button and select 'Save target as'.

Polyhedra made out of a number of parts:

1. Start with part A and glue part B on the tab(s) of part A with the letter B.
2. Glue part C on the parts A and B on the tab(s) with the letter C.
3. Glue part D on the parts A, B and C on the tab(s) with the letter D.

- On some models numbers instead of letters are used.

Examples with pictures:

- instructions for the Compound of Four Cubes (numbers)
- instructions for the Compound of Five Octahedra (letters)
- instructions for the Great Dodecahedron (differs from the other two examples)
- instructions for Kaleidocycles
- instructions for Twisted Prisms

- instructions for aluminium foil on model:

Tutorial videos

Dodecahedron and other templates (nets) made out of one piece of paper
- video
Large Dodecahedron and other "Large" models
- video
Paper Star
- video
Truncted Icosahedron (Soccer ball)
- video
Small Stellated Dodecahedron (large)
- video
Triangular Prism
- video
Rectangular Prism
- video
(Hexagonal) Kaleidocycle
- video
Twisted (Decagonal) Prism
- video
- Dodecahedron Tutorial by feelinspiffy
(A long tutorial vídeo that can be very helpful for those who are starting with polyhedra models)


Glue, hobby knife, needle, toothpick and ruler

Hobby knife

Cutting the outer lines

Scoring the other lines with the back of the hobby knife

Folding all lines

The folded model

And now glue..

The completed model

Instructions for the Compound of Four Cubes:

Compound of four cubes

1a. Cut the parts
1b. Write the numbers of the parts on the back of the parts

2. Score the inner lines
3. Fold the doted lines forwards (valley fold) and fold the other lines backwards (mountain fold)
4. Glue the parts (tab without number)

5. Glue part 2 on the tab of part 1 with the number 2.

6. Go on with the parts 1 and 2. Glue part 3 on the tab with the number 3
large picture
7. Go on with the parts 1, 2 and 3. Glue part 4 on the tabs with the numbers 4.
large picture
8. Go on with the parts 1, 2, 3 and 4. Glue part 5 on the tabs with the numbers 5.
large picture
9. Go on with the parts 1, 2, 3, 4 en 5. Glue part 6 on the tabs with the number 6


Instructions for the Compound of Five Octahedra:

Compound of five octahedra


1a. Cut the parts
1b. Write the letters of the parts on the back of the parts
(click on the pictures to show a larger picture)

2. Score the inner lines
3. Fold the doted lines forwards (valley fold) and fold the other lines backwards (mountain fold)
4. Glue the parts (tab without letter)

5. Glue part B on the tab of part A with the letter B.

6. Go on with the parts A and B. Glue part C on the tabs with the letter C
7. Go on with the parts A, B and C. Glue part D on the tab(s) with the letter D.
(After the capital Z go on with small letters a, b, c and d)

Instructions for the Great Dodecahedron (version made out of 6 parts):

Paper Model Great Dodecahedron

1a. Cut the parts
1b. Write the letters of the parts on the back of the parts
1c. Write the letters alongside the outer lines at the back of the parts near the line

(click on the pictures to show a larger picture)

2. Score the inner lines
3. Fold the doted lines forwards (valley fold) and fold the other lines backwards (mountain fold)
4. Glue the parts

5. Glue the side with the letter A of part B on the tab of part A with the letter B.

6. Go on with the parts A and B. Glue the side with the letter A of part C on the tab with the letter C
7. Go on with the parts A, B and C. Glue the side with the letter A of part D on the tab with the letter D.